Comment 3 for bug 1868138

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pgnd (pgnd) wrote :

in comments from ubuntu-devel

 [17:50] <juliank> Continuation lines seem wrong to have in that file
 [17:50] <juliank> If you add a continuation line between 8.14 and 8.15, you can remove the continuation line again
 [17:51] <juliank> A future update should probably handle that, but a continuation line here is not expected, and there's no point rolling it back as that's a non default unexpected thing

as stated clearly at

 The file /etc/default/grub controls the operation of grub-mkconfig. It is sourced by a shell script, and so must be valid POSIX shell input; normally, it will just be a sequence of ‘KEY=value’ lines, but if the value contains spaces or other special characters then it must be quoted


  Escape Character (Backslash)

   A <backslash> that is not quoted shall preserve the literal value of the following character, with the exception of a <newline>. If a <newline> follows the <backslash>, the shell shall interpret this as line continuation. The <backslash> and <newline> shall be removed before splitting the input into tokens. Since the escaped <newline> is removed entirely from the input and is not replaced by any white space, it cannot serve as a token separator.

all that's to say that continuation lines are, and have been, supported in posix-shell-compliant /etc/default/grub

that it's "non default unexpected thing" is specious ... at _best_ it's unused/untested by the pacakgers.

fwiw, with grub2-2.04 on numerous _other_ systems there are no problems whatsoever with these continuation lines; and Ubu 18LTS didn't either ... until 'recently'.

no, i don't yet have an identifying bisect ...

also, it's been commented that current bug is 'non-destructive'.

that's open to interpretation.

modifying an end-user config file persistently, and without user-interaction/-confirmmation ... such that a subsequent (re)upgrade/(re)install doesn't fix the problem, but rather requires a manual edit/fix of the config in order qualifies as 'destructive'. here, anyway.