Comment 0 for bug 1862279

Revision history for this message
dann frazier (dannf) wrote :

I tested out the new shim-signed (1.41+15+1552672080.a4a1fbe-0ubuntu1) on arm64 today. Unfortunately, I was unable to boot a kernel. I tried manually running commands in the GRUB shell to try and get more info, and here's the error I get:

grub> insmod gzio
grub> linux (hd0,gpt1)/boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-13-generic
grub> boot
error: cannot load image.

This is better then it was previously - shim used to crash before starting GRUB (bug 1811901 and bug 1811722). But obviously there are still issues somewhere. Prior to this shim binary being signed, I believe I had tested the unsigned binary in a VM using a custom signing certificate. I think I still have that VM around, so I maybe able to use it for comparison.

= My setup =
I tried to make this test simulate a real setup as much as possible. Here's roughly what I did:

Installed an arm64 server w/ bionic
# need a new QEMU for EnrollDefaultKeys.efi
sudo apt-add-repository cloud-archive:train
sudo apt update
sudo apt install uvtool
sudo gpasswd -a ubuntu libvirt
# log out/back in
# no focal images yet
uvt-simplestreams-libvirt -v sync release=eoan
uvt-kvm create focal arch=arm64 release=eoan
uvt-kvm wait focal
uvt-kvm ssh focal
guest> sudo sed -i 's/eoan/focal/' /etc/apt/sources.list
guest> # Also enabled focal-proposed to get latest shim-signed
guest> sudo apt update
guest> sudo apt dist-upgrade
guest> sudo apt install shim-signed
guest> sudo grub-install
# On an x86 host, I built the latest edk2 package and copied out the AARCH64 build of
# EnrollDefaultKeys.efi. I scp'd this over to the focal guest, and put it in the EFI
# system partition
guest> sudo poweroff
virsh edit focal
# Add the following to inject the Pk/KEK keys:
# <qemu:commandline>
# <qemu:arg value='-smbios'/>
# <qemu:arg value='type=11,value=4e32566d-8e9e-4f52-81d3-5bb9715f9727: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'/>
# </qemu:commandline>
virsh start focal; virsh console focal
# Interrupt focal boot, drop to an EFI shell, then ran the following
# which will load the PK/Kek1 and Microsoft keys and enable SecureBoot
Shell> fs0:
FS0:\> EnrollDefaultKeys.efi
info: SetupMode=1 SecureBoot=0 SecureBootEnable=0 CustomMode=0 VendorKeys=1
info: SetupMode=0 SecureBoot=1 SecureBootEnable=1 CustomMode=0 VendorKeys=0
info: success
FS0:\> reset -s
# Then, finally, try and boot in SB mode:
virsh start focal; virsh console focal