Comment 8 for bug 1839317

Revision history for this message
Dmitry-a-durnev (dmitry-a-durnev) wrote : Re: Grub fails to chainload the Windows Boot Manager

Tried with

set debug=chain

got the following messages (grub 2.04-1ubuntu5, AMD64 arch, ubuntu 19.10):

loader/efi/chainloader.c:1057: linuxefi_secure_validate: 1
loader/efi/chainloader.c:262: No shimlock protocol loader/efi/chainloader.c:537: Secure boot is not enabled
alloc magic is broken at 0x7bf9b340: 0
Aborted. Press any key to exit.

Press any key - returns to grub menu. But once I pressed <return> and it successfully booted win 10! At other times there was no 'alloc magic' error and no pause to press any key: just returned to boot menu instantly.