Comment 4 for bug 1201112

Revision history for this message
Jacky Alciné (jackyalcine) wrote :

After a bit of tinkering, I was able to notice the following:

On line 380 of the post-installation script for `grub-efi-amd64`, it executes the following:
package="$(ucfq --with-colons /etc/default/grub | cut -d : -f 2)"

However, on line 529 of /usr/bin/ucfq, the following line results in a Perl missing subroutine error:
$self->{Name} = abs_path( $self->{Name});

I changed `abs_path` to `Cwd::abs_path` and the syntax error was gone (it was attempting to pull it from the current object's method list, which isn't the intended behavior).

Glancing at the command again in the postinst script, I changed the field argument in the `cut` command from 2 to 1 and got a path; the one presumably the postinst script was looking for.

Executing the postinst again and it exiting successfully was a good sign. Running 'update-grub' afterwards confirmed my suspicions of a working EFI boot.