Comment 7 for bug 222421

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Paul Taylor (paul-taylor-london) wrote :

This dialogue seems to be split between two pages - it is not possible to merge them?

> if the initrd.img has not been created, then that's certainly a bug in its own right,
> though not a bug in grub, and we should still try to get that fixed.

I would point out that in my case the initrd.img WAS created - that was how I eventually got
8.04 to work on my machine. But (1) it was called /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic.bak
and (2) it was not mentioned in menu.lst.

The absolute priority here is that the user should at least be informed of what has happened before
the installation CD quits, and provided at least with some advice as to how to get out of the mess
and back to the old system. In particular, the installer should NOT TRASH THE OLD SYSTEM.

The program that writes menu.lst (I am assuming that it is separate from the one that creates
initrd.img) could do this check, try to make use of what is available, give an error report to the
user and save debugging information for you.

Apparently I have not been able to stress adequately the seriousness with which I view this bug.
The installer left my machine in an unusable state. I will not do another Ubuntu installation or
recommend Ubuntu to anyone else until this is fixed. In particular, I am considering putting Linux
on my Mac laptop (instead of MACOS 10.3), but there is no way that I would risk a repetition of this
experience, as I would have no equivalent of Knoppix to get me out of the mess.