Comment 4 for bug 1309079

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Peter Waller (peter.waller) wrote : Re: Running update-grub-legacy-ec2 doesn't cause /boot/grub/menu.lst

Please subtract "Note that this bug has nothing to do with which kernel is running on the machine after reboot, except that" from my last comment. I'm somewhat tired and I'm not sure what I meant by it.

Further digesting what you're saying, `/boot/grub/menu.lst` is not used for EBS AMIs? This doesn't seem consistent with what I've observed, which is that machines only boot to the new kernel if I modify this file manually.

It is possible that some other interaction is fooling me into thinking this, though, and it has been hard to pin down consistent behaviour.

It seems in any case that the buggy (or at least confusing) behaviour of update-grub-legacy-ec2 is problematic since it has wasted many man hours as we try and figure out why it refuses to update on some machines but not others.