Comment 0 for bug 720558

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Paul Sladen (sladen) wrote :

Binary package hint: debian-installer

Forwarded from a kind source outside; this was found and documented (for their customers) by a Xen-based hosting company:

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS does not install out-of-the-box with default settings on (virtual) machine requiring pvgrub and it is necessary to manually adjust the 'groot=' setting in order to get the machine to boot. Viz;

"Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is now on the install menu (well, it has been for some
time), however the bootloader install which works seamlessly on debian
fails under Ubuntu, the following is what you need during the install to
make it a bootable system:

Ubuntu by default with guided partitioning uses ext4,
which pvgrub won't understand, so don't choose "Guided -
use entire disk", but choose "Guided - use entire disk
and set up LVM", as this will make an ext2 /boot partition.

Ubuntu will give a grub error when installing, you need to
use the following workaround during the installation:
When you get the grub error, choose continue, continue, execute a shell,
chroot /target
update-grub -y
sed -i.orig 's:^# groot=.*:# groot=(hd0,0):' /boot/grub/menu.lst
Continue without bootloader