Comment 12 for bug 47949

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Eugenia Loli-Queru (eloli) wrote :

AT LEAST, do offer a screen to ask the user if he wants the boot manager on the MBR or the /. This is the LEAST you can do, and it is something that it MUST be done, because EVEN if you are familiar on how to manually edit menu.lst, you still can wipe out significant work done by the previous boot manager on complex systems.

So PLEASE, hear me out on this. IF you don't want to add an advanced screen for non-Linux OSes, I kinda understand it, but you must add the screen for MBR and /. This MUST be there.

Sorry for the caps, but you really bring me in my ends. I had a perfectly working system with a perfectly configured boot manager (I used the BeOS bootman), and your OS wiped it out without asking me anything. This is LOSS OF DATA in my book and it's a usability bug of your installer. It must be fixed, you must add a screen about the boot manager.