Comment 3 for bug 1767523

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Carlos Sevcik (carlos-sevcik-s-gmail) wrote :

I finally managed to install Ubuntu MATE 18.04 on my Lenovo All In One 520-277KL. But it was very bumpy (I am using Ubuntu since 2006), here is my full story.

1-UM 17.10 installed after disabling UEFI in the bios and asked to wipe out the disk and install letting UM 17.10 do its default instalation. Later I repartitioned the disk to set a root partition (~100GB) and a home partition (~900 GB).

2-Upgrading UM 17.10 to 18.04 resulted in inability to enter into my account except using Ctl-Alt-F1. I tried fixing files in /etc/X11 with no success. This led me to reinstall UM 18.04 from scratch following a wipe disk and install (option 1 in the install menu). Here I probably took the wrong decision, because and identical situation appeared later at some point after installing UM 18.04 and it was solved by removing the Nvidia configuration files from my account and erasing .Xauthority and .xinputrc and rebooting my machine afterwards. I had to reinstall the Nvidia drives afterwards.

3-The UM 18.04 installation from scratch wiping the disk and doing the default installation seem to work, but created a 14 GB /dev/nvme0n1p1 in addition to the /dev/nvme0n1 where it installed the boot loader. It also created to additional partitions of ~100 GB and ~800 GB. The problem was that /dev/nvme0n1p1 was formated ext4 and set as root (/) including a /home partition inside. Of course /dev/nvme0n1p1 was left out of space almost immediately after I started installing software and before I realized the mess. The disk had a 14 GB /dev/nvme0n1, 14 GB /dev/nvme0n1p1 ext4, 512 MB /dev/sda1 with format labeled unknown, 108 GB /dev/sda2 ext4 and 823.1 GB /dev/sda3 ext4.

4- I decided once again to reinstall the system with option "do something else" and ignored /dev/nvme0n1p1, set /dev/sda2 as / (root) and /dev/sda3 as /home (both formated to ext4). Reinstalled the system, since at some point of my previous buggy trials I could not log in into my account using my password, in the final installation I created my account allowing to enter directly (without asking for a password) into my account. Finally I got a working system, although there is constant error message at entering into my account indicating that an icon in the panel closed unexpectedly, icon which I always have to restart. The final bug is that doing all the tricks (User administration menu, editing /etc/group to remove the no password login group) I cannot get the startup login to ask for a password, it always goes straight into my account, if I log out, the subsequent logins ask for a password as they should. In the users and groups administration menu the use password to login appears as active, but has no effect.

Boy, I like Ubuntu but such a buggy release is unacceptable. I hope all this details help to fix the mess.