Comment 23 for bug 1277865

Revision history for this message
Thomas (t.c) wrote :

I also run in the issue with trusty-server-daily-20140326-amd64.iso

On the front I see: grub install dummy failed.

on tty4 I see:

grub-installer: info: Installing grub on 'dummy'
grub-installer: info: grub-install does not support --no-floppy
grub-installer: info: Running chroot /target grub-install --force
grub-installer: Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
grub-installer: grub-install: warning: Couldn't find physical volume '(null)'. Some modules may be missing from core image...
grub-installer: grub-install: warning:
grub-installer: Couldn't find physical volume '(null)'. Some modules may be missing from core image...
grub-installer: .
grub-installer: grub-install: error: cannot open `/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/load.cfg`: No such file or directory.
grub-installer: error: Running 'grub-install --force failed.

I booted my installer-cd over EFI mode.