Comment 5 for bug 47011

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Graeme Hewson (ghewson) wrote : Re: man doesn't render quotes corrections

Still, as far as I can see, all characters are readable in Konsole. However, ` and ' (U+0060 and U+0027) are displayed as left and right single quotation marks with my now default settings (corresponding, AFAICS, to the default Kubuntu settings), which I think means some fiddling is going on. Readable they might be, but I don't think the rendering is correct.

I think this "fiddling" is partly to blame for the problem with the console, where on mine the quotation marks are displayed as rectangles. Yes, I agree that unsetting LANG wouldn't be an elegant solution. I said, in haste, that LANG shouldn't be set for consoles, but I hadn't appreciated that consoles can support UTF8. I've now discovered unicode_start, consolechars, vt-is-UTF8 and friends.

vt-is-UTF8 tells me the console is in UTF8 mode by default. It can only display a subset of glyphs, though (ISTR the default is those of ISO 8859), and I suppose excluded from that default subset are the quotation marks. Also excluded, it seems, is the en dash, U+2013, which is used by man in UTF8 mode to split a word across lines. I don't think there are any other characters incorrectly displayed.