Comment 4 for bug 1878158

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

This was suggested by bzed as it is one common tool to manage HW.
But it has further issues like:

$ ubxtool
ubxtool: failed to import gps, check PYTHONPATH

python3-gps sn't helping as it is python2 - and gpsd-clients (where ubxtool was before) is replacing python-gps.
But actually there is NO python[2]-gps anymore.

This actually is a bit more twisted than you'd tihnk at first sight.
ubxtool was already made python3 compatible and fixed up in d/rules to have a proper python3 header.

With our moving around of binaries we fixed things that moved between gpsd-clients/gpsd-tools but the move of ubxtool was missed and we need to fix things up on that again.