Comment 1 for bug 1191435

Revision history for this message
Miriam España Acebal (mirespace) wrote :


While doing some bug cleanup, I found this old bug.

First of all, thank you for reporting this bug to Ubuntu.

Not clear on what Ubuntu series did you get this issue, but according to the date and assuming you was using the latest release at the time of reporting this bug, it could be Raring or Precise (in the best of the cases)... Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) reached end-of-life on April 28, 2017 and Ubuntu 13.04 (raring) reached end-of-life on January 27, 2014. No action can be taken on this bug because the dates have passed. We are sorry that we do not always have the capacity to look at all reported bugs in a timely manner.

Just in case, I checked the code and behaviour of the latest version of gpsd on our latest LTS (as gpsd is version 3.22-4.1 from Jammy onwards) to see if the bug is still present. Some things:

- The code line you mention is now in ./SConscript (and all the paths are not prepended by /).

- In gpsd.h, the / is included for the line you mention in the savannah bug you attached since 552c9f67c95e977061ff3bae2ff9d184eb9b8562 commit (6 years ago).

- I created a /etc/gpsd/device-hook file and I could see the activation of it from the service and also when running gpsd on command line on my user home directory (when calling a gps client as cgps, i.e.):

jun 21 14:13:51 Camelot-TITAN gpsd[291571]: gpsd:INFO: running /etc/gpsd/device-hook /dev/ttyACM0 ACTIVATE
jun 21 14:13:51 Camelot-TITAN gpsd[291571]: gpsd:INFO: /etc/gpsd/device-hook returned 0

❯ pwd
❯ sudo gpsd -N -D3 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock /dev/ttyACM1
gpsd:INFO: launching (Version 3.22)
gpsd:INFO: listening on port gpsd
gpsd:INFO: stashing device /dev/ttyACM1 at slot 0
gpsd:INFO: running with effective group ID 20
gpsd:INFO: running with effective user ID 141
gpsd:INFO: startup at 2023-06-21T12:40:12.000Z (1687351212)
gpsd:CLIENT: => client(0): {"class":"VERSION","release":"3.22","rev":"3.22","proto_major":3,"proto_minor":14}\x0d\x0a
gpsd:CLIENT: <= client(0): ?WATCH={"enable":true,"json":true};\x0a
gpsd:INFO: running /etc/gpsd/device-hook /dev/ttyACM1 ACTIVATE
gpsd:INFO: /etc/gpsd/device-hook returned 0

There is also a related bug already fixed[1] involving apparmor that fixes a similarly behaviour.

Due to the above, I'm marking this bug as "Fix Released".
