Comment 2 for bug 1962467

Revision history for this message
Michael Lueck (mlueck) wrote : Re: Gparted off the LiveDVD wants package mtools added in order to display EFI partition correctly

Still present in Xubuntu 20220402 Daily jammy-desktop-2022-04-02-amd64.iso

Unable to read the contents of this file system!
Because of this some operations may be unavailable.
The cause might be a missing software package.
The following list of software packages is required for fat32 file system support: dosfstools, mtools.

xubuntu@xubuntu:~$ dpkg -l | grep dosfstools
ii dosfstools 4.2-1build2 amd64 utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems
xubuntu@xubuntu:~$ dpkg -l | grep mtools