Comment 28 for bug 1938299

Revision history for this message
Chad Smith (chad.smith) wrote (last edit ):

Confirmed that Impish daily image builds on GCP are unblocked and include the necessary fix to prevent `netplan apply` from being invoked by cloud-init. This is a stop gap solution until we can publish a release of google-guest-agent.service which declares a "RequiredBy=" or "WantedBy=" relationship with systemd-networkd.service to ensure google-guest-agent starts anytime after networkd starts.

Verified success on GCP daily images Ivan had released daily Google image builds for Impish with cloud-config updates which contain cloud-init 21.3-1-g6803368d-0ubuntu3 and the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/*.cfg file to "disable_network_activation: true".

$ gcloud compute instances create sf-impish --zone us-west1-a --network "default" --no-restart-on-failure --image-project ubuntu-os-cloud-devel --image daily-ubuntu-2110-impish-v20211012 --machine-type n1-standard-2

$ gcloud compute ssh --zone us-west1-a sf-impish

root@sf-impish:~# systemctl status google-guest-agent
● google-guest-agent.service - Google Compute Engine Guest Agent
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/google-guest-agent.service; enabled; v>
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-10-12 20:34:43 UTC; 7min ago
   Main PID: 731 (google_guest_ag)
      Tasks: 9 (limit: 8923)
     Memory: 19.6M
        CPU: 533ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/google-guest-agent.service
             └─731 /usr/bin/google_guest_agent

Oct 12 20:34:49 sf-impish gpasswd[1201]: user XY added by root to group di>
Oct 12 20:34:49 sf-impish GCEGuestAgent[731]: 2021-10-12T20:34:49.4968Z GCEG....

Given that we can ssh into the vm with `gcloud compute ssh` on intial launch, the problem no longer exists. Also systemctl shows a health google-guest-agent.service.