Comment 0 for bug 1379189

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psl (slansky) wrote :

Ubuntu 12.04.5, i386
Gnumeric 1.10.17-1ubuntu2

I run Gnumeric in maximize view mode, it is opened for several days. From time to time, I miss controls in the bottom of screen, like controls to switch between tables/spredsheeds. Application that is in background is there.

I can fix this by switching Gnumeric from Maximize to normal view and back to maximize mode.

I attach two screenshots.

First shows Gnumeric with active bug, black area in the bottom of the screen is WWW browser (Chromium) with some black page, browser is in the background and should not be visible at all. When I click black area, WWW browser is activated and moved to foreground. It is not important that it is WWW browser, it can be any application that was active before I switched to Gnumeric. I used WWW browser with back page to highlight area with a bug.

Second screenshots shows situation after Gnumeric was switched to normal mode and back to maximize mode. Controls in bottom of screen are back, I can switch tables, it wordks as expected.

I don't know how to replicate this situation for 100% but I met this situation several times, it is regular behavior...