Comment 3 for bug 181247

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Saivann Carignan (oxmosys) wrote :

Thanks for this explanation and sorry for my mistake! I appreciate that you give relevant informations and more details.

In fact, this bug is about more than just one bugs. It's because I want this bug to get fixed successfully that I don't confirm it because duplicates of this bug already exist :

1. You're right, in order to get gnucash to work with HBCI, it will need a updated version of libaqbanking. This bug has been already filed here : bug #68351 . Actual libaqbanking 3 isn't a stable release and I don't know if it will be a stable release before Hardy get stable. We can consider that it's not a "official" release yet.
2. In your case, most probably that you'll also need a updated version of libofx. I just opened bug #181417 for this purpose.
3. The "Master" bug is bug #5973 where people are working to make sure that gnucash will be able to support HBCI with latest versions of libaqbanking and libofx which aren't ready yet.

It's always important to choose good packages name when filing bugs and to separate each bug or fixing them become more difficult. I'm happy that you gave me more details because I realized that there was no bugs for libofx 0.9.0 so I created it.

Thanks for your contribution and feel free to comment again if you feel that we're missing something important!