Comment 1 for bug 1390819

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Rod Smith (rodsmith) wrote :

Please post example output; it's unclear to me what you mean by "showing opposite labels for my 9th and 10th partitions (GPT)." Also, be aware that the versions of fdisk and cfdisk delivered with Ubuntu through version 14.04 don't support GPT, although 14.10's fdisk and cfdisk add GPT support. Identifying the version of what you're running is critically important in this case.

Furthermore, GPT fdisk (gdisk, cgdisk, and sgdisk) all share most of their code with each other, but almost none with the util-linux programs (fdisk, cfdisk, and sfdisk). If you're seeing what seems to be an inconsistency between fdisk and cfdisk and a similar inconsistency between gdisk and cgdisk, the most likely explanation that occurs to me is that your partitions are out of order -- both fdisk and gdisk display partitions by their sequence number (/dev/sda1 followed by /dev/sda2 followed by /dev/sda3, and so on), whereas both cfdisk and cgdisk display partitions by their on-disk order (the partition that occupies the lowest-numbered sectors first, then the partition occupying the next sequence of sectors, and so on). The two sequences need not be the same; it's easy to generate a partition table in which /dev/sda10 comes before /dev/sda9 in terms of on-disk extents. GParted is like cfdisk and cgdisk in this respect. I don't recall what parted does, offhand.