Comment 25 for bug 964685

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crippled user (saddharmap) wrote :

Charlie - I have now spoken with a specific Canoniocal employee - and after triaging matters - having to track multiple instances of issues across the OS at different stages of operation form live CD to installed system it appears that there are - as I suspected - more issues that were first grasped.

the list of affected packages to which bug reports have to be applied:

1) Compiz
2) gnome-control-centre
3) indicator-applet (Two Bugs)
4) gnome-accessibility-themes
5) gnome-accessibility-themes-extras
6) humanity-themes
7) apport

.. and that is just to deal with basic accessibility as highlighted in three simple and direct areas. It also has to address branding - Ubuntu identity and a few other issues that arise from the complexity of matters.

I have to make it clear that I do not welcome being dismissed as a disabled person for raising Disability Access issues and failures which are discriminatory.

It is not a blogging issue - or ranting! It's hard work!

It is interesting that in response to the points made on accessibility only Alan has picked up one package that needs attention out of an apparent 7 - and possibly more.

Others have highlighted nothing other than their own opinions. If bug tracking and fixing was based on that it would be much more of a waste of time.

I also have to say that I have been dismayed by the responses I have received from diverse routes. For the record - I have quite extensive experience in IT and interface design - also working with diverse disabled people to provide THEIR accessibility needs - and bug hunting cross systems, both I.T, and Huamn.

I don't use my needs or the needs of others to estimate or dismiss another person's needs. To me that could be called Ubuntu. if someone is happy with their accessibility Hoorah - but when even one person is being denied basic and needed accessibility because others have failed to protect it - for me that is one person too many!

I will ensure to the best of my ability that things are progressed - but I have to say given the treatment I have received by divers routes - and a number of sentiments that have been communicated to me - if they represent Ubuntu I will be migrating to another OS.

So if you and others can assist in any way in getting all the relevant bug reports filed and actioned - be my guest.

I have to say that it has been a learning experience - and one which has been far less than positive or welcomed.