Comment 0 for bug 23924

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Chris Moore (dooglus) wrote :

For the last few weeks I've been noticing that my gnome-terminal has been
misbehaving. I run irssi (IRC client) in screen(1) on a remote machine, which I
ssh to in a gnome-terminal window. For the most part I can leave the
gnome-terminal alone and watch the IRC conversation scroll up the screen. If I
leave it for too long however, the gnome-terminal window goes blank all apart
from the bottom line, which shows a single line of conversation.

Hitting 'page up' and 'page down' scrolls the irssi buffer up and down, but
doesn't fix the problem - the display stays 'wrong' in some way, missing bits of
text in places. One sure way to fix the situation is to hit control-a four time
(which is picked up by 'screen' and causes it to switch to the other screen and
back again). That fixes the display until it goes wrong again.

The problem only ever seems to have when I'm idling on IRC. If I'm active it
doesn't happen. Often I'll return to the gnome-terminal and find the display is
messed up.

I've not reported this as a separate bug until now because I don't know whether
gnome-terminal is at fault, or the remote (debian) machine. I'll upload a
screenshot when it happens next.