Comment 3 for bug 221144

Revision history for this message
Jason Tackaberry (tack) wrote :

Also happens with Compiz.

Here is how to reliably reproduce. I setup the following four gnome-terminal windows on 1600x1200 screen, each window with 4 tabs.

1. 848x558 at (4,49) (120x40 with LucidaTypewriter 9)
2. 848x558 at (4,638) (120x40 with LucidaTypewriter 9)
3. 729x363 at (867,49) (103x25 with LucidaTypewriter 9)
4. 729x363 at (867,446) (103x25 with LucidaTypewriter 9)

Run gnome-session-save. Logout, and relog in. Upon login, the restored windows have the following geometries:

1. 568x350 at (8,73) (80x24 with LucidaTypewriter 9)
2. 568x350 at (4,638) (80x24 with LucidaTypewriter 9)
3. 568x350 at (867,49) (80x24 with LucidaTypewriter 9)
4. 729x363 at (867,446) (103x25 with LucidaTypewriter 9)

4 is the only one that got restored properly.

See the attached screenshots, before.jpg and after.jpg.