Comment 4 for bug 124251

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Micah Cowan (micahcowan) wrote :

Thanks for your report. Your idea might get more attention and have the possibility of being implemented if you submit a specification for it. First check whether the idea is already registered [WWW], and if so, contact the specification's drafter about your ideas. Otherwise, you can start writing a spec yourself. [WWW]

FWIW, this really isn't within the scope of what a normal terminal application would do. However, I believe there are already some experimental terminals that deal with interesting UI ideas (not sure drag-and-drop are among them). See CUIterm, for instance, at ; I'd bet you'd have somewhat better luck convincing them to add the feature you're talking about

Note that, in order to do the sort of thing you're talking about, you generally would need to both change the terminal, and use a customized shell for that terminal.

Also, for future reference, the bug tracker's not really the appropriate place to submit feature requests, except for very trivial ones: it's for actual bugs only in general. Otherwise, feature requests are really what is for. Good luck!