Comment 0 for bug 1588938

Revision history for this message
Jeremy Bícha (jbicha) wrote :

User Interface Freeze Exception Justification
Debian does not consider CC-BY-SA 2.0 to be compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines.

GNOME Taquin 3.18 includes 2 CC-BY-SA 2.0 images. When this issue was reported, those 2 images were replaced but only in the 3.20 series.

Because the 3.20 series only makes limited changes, I think it would be easier to just update the package to 3.20.1 for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Other changes made
- The CSS theming was updated to support GTK+ 3.20 but pre-GTK+ 3.20 theming compatibility was preserved.
- Several copyright updates: Help is now clearly CC-BY-SA 4.0 (it was listed as both 3.0 and 4.0 in the 3.18 release). The About screen has been updated. Finally, debian/copyright has been updated.
- "the “valign” property of some buttons of the headerbar has been set to “center”, to
look better on some rare configurations."

Affect on Ubuntu Flavors
GNOME Taquin is not shipped on any Ubuntu flavor release media nor does any other package depend on it currently.

$ seeded-in-ubuntu gnome-taquin
gnome-taquin's binaries are not seeded.
$ reverse-depends gnome-taquin
No reverse dependencies found
$ reverse-depends -b gnome-taquin
No reverse dependencies found

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