Comment 3 for bug 685215

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Eliah Kagan (degeneracypressure) wrote :

In that case, I would suggest that it is still a bug, but a different one: When run as root, users-admin hangs instead of displaying a message instructing the user as to how to use it properly (and then exiting).

In my opinion, the current behavior sends the message to the user that it is appropriate to run users-admin as root, and that it's just failing on their system for some reason unknown to them. Hanging and not responding to any user input is not a common way for an application to react to user behavior that is anticipated but incorrect.

(Or it might be better for users-admin to display a warning message but allow the user to proceed as root if they insist. I don't ordinarily run users-admin as root, but I tried to do so because it is unable to elevate privileges by itself on my Natty system, for some reason. I'm going to look into that situation and submit a bug report for it shortly, if appropriate. But problems with programs elevating privileges themselves do occur from time to time.)

Should I open a new report for this, with wishlist status?