Comment 10 for bug 67201

Revision history for this message
Eric Oberlander (eric-oberlander) wrote :

FYI, when I tried a system upgrade from 6.06 LTS to 6.10, the Wireless card in a desktop box, which is recognised as such in dapper's Network Manager, changed to an 'ethernet' card in edgy's Network Manager, so connectivity was lost. I was unable to set ESSID or WAP key.

I reinstalled 6.06 LTS, and re-established connectivity.

On Edgy's official release, I downloaded the desktop iso and tried again. Running from the CD, in the Network Manager window, there are two NICs shown. Both icons are 'wired' devices, one is called wlan0, and the other eth0. So I'm still unable to configure the wireless interface.

I wondered if it was maybe a HAL issue?