Comment 0 for bug 43644

Revision history for this message
Ante Karamatić (ivoks) wrote : On restart, time-admin shows wrong time zone

If you choose Europe/Zagreb, Europe/Ljubljana, Europe/Belgrade, Europe/Sarajevo or Europe/Skopje, every time you restart time-admin it will show Europe/Sarajevo.

If Europe/Zagreb is placed in front of Europe/Sarajevo in /usr/share/zoneinfo/, then Europe/Zagreb will apear every time. If one chooses Europe/Vienna, one will get Europe/Vinnea on restart.

My guess is that problems lies in locales package (langpack-locales source), where all this towns are linked to Belgrade (europe file in tzdata2006e.tar.gz or tzdata2006f.tar.gz; available in langpack-locales source).

Same thing happens with Europe/Bratislava (changed to Europe/Prague after restart).

This is cause all these citys were in one country before (Belgrade, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Skopje and Zagreb in Yugoslavia and Bratislava and Prague in Czechoslovakia). But those countrys fall apart 16 years ago.

This bug exsist for 16 years. Please fix :)