Comment 8 for bug 259163

Revision history for this message
Gavin McCullagh (gmccullagh) wrote :

It's a while since I've actually looked at this. There was a "bug day" coming up among edubuntu developers and I mentioned this bug as one which was causing problems for some people. Jordan said he had a fix, though I'm not sure what version that was against.

On an LTSP system, it's not uncommon to have hundreds of users. As it was, the gnome users-admin showed an (effectively) unsorted list of people which made it very difficult to use with large numbers of accounts. For this reason, some users had installed the KDE user admin tool.

(the thread entitled "Directory tools for Edubuntu server")

The first step that seemed worthwhile was to fix sorting of users so you could find people. Searching might also help.

Does the new version add some feature to help in this scenario?