Comment 0 for bug 2061281

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Bhaumik Tripathi (bhaumiktri) wrote :

After I put Gnome Clock to always on top by `Alt`+`Space`,then whenever I did `Alt`+`Esc` , it changed the blue box from window to window but does not brought anyone of them to focus.

For example, I opened Firefox through the shortcut, It brought it on second top(after clock) position but didn't change the focus till I deliberately click somewhere in the browser from mouse to bring it back to focus.

Is this a normal behavior of Ubuntu, and if so how can I change it so that the shortcut would also change the focus to the window and not only bring it on the top.

On some inspection and asking the community it was found that the bug is reproducible in Ubuntu gnome but not in fedora, so it seems like having some problem with this O.S. in particular.

My "lsb_release -rd" produces following:
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Release: 22.04