Comment 0 for bug 1918738

Revision history for this message
Esokrates (esokrarkose) wrote :

Title pretty much says it all: I'm testing Ubuntu Hirsute (21.04), fully upgraded as of today (Gnome-shell 3.38.3) and the osk keys for Backspace, Enter and Capitalize do not work. Pressing them just does nothing.
Related logs in jouralctl output:

Mär 11 23:06:02 pc gnome-shell[15039]: JS ERROR: Error: Argument wc: value is out of range for uint32
Mär 11 23:06:03 pc gnome-shell[15039]: JS ERROR: Error: Argument wc: value is out of range for uint32
Mär 11 23:06:03 pc gnome-shell[15039]: JS ERROR: Error: Argument wc: value is out of range for uint32
Mär 11 23:06:04 pc gnome-shell[15039]: JS ERROR: Error: Argument wc: value is out of range for uint32
Mär 11 23:06:04 pc gnome-shell[15039]: JS ERROR: Error: Argument wc: value is out of range for uint32
Mär 11 23:06:04 pc gnome-shell[15039]: JS ERROR: Error: Argument wc: value is out of range for uint32
Mär 11 23:06:04 pc gnome-shell[15039]: JS ERROR: Error: Argument wc: value is out of range for uint32