Comment 4 for bug 1892973

Revision history for this message
ebsf (eb-9) wrote : Re: gnome-session fails, and fails, and fails yet again

Thanks for responding.

Some delays in responding because of client demands, then because the storage configuration of the machine was incomplete and the debug files couldn't be networked, then because the incessant gnome-session hangs required a hard-reset at nearly every step along the way.

The delays provided some information, however.

First, I booted to recovery mode, removed nvidia-driver-440, installed nvidia-driver-450 (the recommended one, per the ubuntu-drivers devices output), exited recovery, and continued the boot (NOT another hard-reset). Here, the resolution was 1024x768, not the full resolution of the monitor, in logging in under all available desktop managers (Xorg, Classic, and Ubuntu). The machine experienced NO gnome session freezes over 8-10 hours with occasional interaction in between client calls. THEN, I did a normal reboot at the end of the day, specified Xorg on login. The resolution now was back to normal but I immediately right-clicked to launch display settings and this triggered a gnome-session freeze. Through a series of hard-resets, the machine continued several other random freezes.

Today, I had reconfigured storage to, among other things, mount /tmp to /tmpfs, the consequence of which obviously is to flush /tmp on every reboot. The machine experienced no gnome-session hangs. I then ran apt update and apt full-upgrade, which triggered updates of what appeared to be nvidia-driver-450 and all of its dependencies. The machine then promptly experienced a gnome-session hang.

Hard-reset, black screen.

Hard-reset, Xorg login, generate the debug files (attached). Run apport-collect 1892973. Launching Firefox to authorize triggers a gnome-session hang.

Hard-reset, Xorg login. Launching Firefox triggers a gnome-session hang.

Hard-reset, Xorg login. Copy debug files to this machine (a functional Windows laptop) and make this entry.

The requested debug files, to the extent of the machine's ability to generate them, are attached. I ended up generating several prior-boot journal logs for all of the foregoing gnome-session hangs, and attach them in a ZIP archive because the interface will only let me attach one file. The files include:
- prevboot-1 (first prevboot)
- prevboot-2 (the boot preceeding prevboot-1)
- prevboot-1128-* (boots involving Firefox-induced hangs and one preceding)
- prevboot-1135-1 (boot involving a Firefox-induced hang).

Obviously, the machine is incapable of authorizing for apport-collect. I should add that attempting to launch Google Chrome also triggers a gnome-session hang.

No files exist in /var/crash.