Comment 5 for bug 1888098

Revision history for this message
Damiƶn la Bagh (kat-amsterdam) wrote : Re: Ubuntu 20.04 gnome-shell places windows on second screen when started from primary screen

Removing the extensions has the same effect.

Block Caribou 36 is necessary as the Point of Sale system (Open source) already has all the buttons and keyboard that are necessary for the use of the Point of Sale system. Yet it contains text entry fields which pop up the on-screen keyboard. There are more touchscreen applications that tablets, such as Kiosks and Point of Sale systems.

"gsettings set org.gnome.mutter center-new-windows true" is an easter-egg joke, it puts the windows halfway between the two screens, then stacks them on top of each other.

"I think this is probably occurring because the primary display is occupied by a window already. So any more new windows go to the next display that has empty space. If that's true then this is not a bug. And hopefully #3 is good enough."

This is a serious bug as the screens are opposing one another. There are two different people with two different information goals looking at each screen.
Both screens are occupied by full screen windows. One is the point of sale interface for the cashier and the other is the customer display screen showing the products the customer is purchasing.

The expected behavior is to put the window on the same monitor to where the button to open the new window has been pressed.

I'll see if I can muster up some screenshots to make it more visual as to what is going on.