Comment 25 for bug 1841826

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Tim Wetzel (twetzel21) wrote :

See comment #5 above. Yes, the nVidia driver may appear to be a common denominator BUT... I've seen the issue trigger apparently due to other things loading as opposed to nVidia's third party driver, so it may not be anything in the nVidia driver per se. The occurrences due to other utilities (like Dropbox or Logitech drivers) make me suspect a timing issue??? That something in the load sequence after logging in is timing out due to additional drivers and/or the timing "overhead" of a dock being present. And I say that because the same configuration on the same machine loads fine (no suspend at login) when used standalone out of the dock; but the issue recurs as soon as the machine is started back in the dock.

And yes, this is both consistent and frustrating!