Comment 0 for bug 1813385

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Dan Dascalescu (ddascalescu+launchpad) wrote :

In my daily work, I save a lot of time[1] by using Super+1...9 to switch to windows.

When an application has more than one window (you see 1+ dots next to its icon in the task bar), and the user presses Super+N, Unity would switch to the last used window of the application. This was great, because users typically switch more often between the same two apps, e.g. an IDE and a browser window for web app development, or a browser window and another app for data input etc.

GNOME on the other hand, does not switch to the last used among the windows when you press Super+N. It forces you to pick one of the windows, every single time. Screenshot:

If you have multiple windows per app (very common with browsers in productivity scenarios), this negates the speed advantage of switching via Super + numbers in the first place. You have to navigate with the arrow keys (the mouse is out of the question if you care about speed), then press Enter. Also, pressing Num Enter doesn't do anything.

Can there please be an option to enable simply switching to the last used window of that application?
