Comment 12 for bug 1715722

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Jeremy Soller (jackpot51) wrote :

11:01 Laney goodnight!
11:01 jackpot51 Ok, good night Laney
11:12 didrocks jackpot51: mind toning a little bit done please?
11:12 didrocks jackpot51: you are quite offensive in that bug report
:13 didrocks and proposing a patch that you even didn't test it doesn't really pledge your saying
11:14 jackpot51 I know I screwed up, and I am sorry. But I don't want to have our amount of maintenance increased significantly because of a hardcoded GDM theme. For the short term, I can override the gnome-shell package, but it is not good for release
11:14 didrocks jackpot51: does it justify this tone?
11:14 jackpot51 Building on gnome-shell on a new Artful installation is breaking, so I have to wait for the launchpad build to test changes.
11:15 jackpot51 No, it does not. I apologize for being offensive
11:15 didrocks ok, better ground (not really fancy having this kind of discussion on Friday at 7:15PM)
11:15 didrocks so, if I have the certainty you will work on a longer term solution, alternatives is ok
11:16 didrocks (as the other solution I gave)
11:16 didrocks I just don't want that we keep this for the LTS
11:17 didrocks does it make sense? If so, please test the patch (especially lock screen-wise, that's the part I'm unsure if you install 2 sessions with different lock screen theme, which one will be picked)
11:17 didrocks and if you tell me it's good, I can sponsor it on Monday
11:17 didrocks (after a final round of testing ofc)
11:18 jackpot51 What happened was that user-theme stopped working the day of feature freeze for us, leading to a cascade of theming changes we had to do. This culminated in theming GDM by replacing the ubuntu.css file, which broke my ability to use ubuntu-session. I like to see all three sessions (Ubuntu, Pop, and GNOME) for testing, so I only wanted a way to keep them all installed while having the GDM theme we had designed. That is all. We are in a scramble to get things fixed in a sane way, allowing us to release an ISO with our own theming. I am very sorry for out of line, I have misinterpreted messages from others and gone overboard.
11:18 didrocks but again, I don't want to carry the patch post-17.10. I think there is a very good opportunity for cooperating inside GNOME to have those easily themeable (Shell, GDM)
11:18 didrocks jackpot51: maybe your company could have talk or even help us within ubuntu itself to get things prepared
11:19 didrocks and we could have cooperated, things were discussed :)
11:20 jackpot51 I agree. I am here, always, with an IRC bouncer. I have been following the ubuntu-devel mailing list, which is where I first saw the gnome-shell changes. Other members of our community are present here.
11:21 didrocks come participate and ask during our meeting on #ubuntu-desktop, and work within ubuntu rather than a derivative, that will help your case being taken into account :)
11:21 jackpot51 I also want to have a good way for all GDM instances on all distributions to have the GDM look and feel configured
11:22 didrocks jackpot51: so, on that one, do we agree with the timeline? You test the patch (especially lock-screen wise), if all +1 (tell it on the bug report), I will sponsor this on Monday, and then, we work together inside GNOME to get the proper fix before the LTS
11:22 jackpot51 I, however, feel there is a systemic issue in the Ubuntu community of not working with people like myself, who are outsiders trying to make their way into the community
11:23 didrocks I'm unsure about the "trying to make their way", I've never seen you participate on our desktop meetings for instance
11:23 didrocks where we have external contributors like jbicha and others
11:23 jackpot51 I have written patches for ubiquity, wpa, gnome initial setup, gnome control center, and others. Some have been merged, most have been ignored
11:23 didrocks jackpot51: same in any projects unfortunately, I have multiple patches ignored and staying in GNOME bug tracker for years…
11:24 didrocks jackpot51: but you are on IRC, so you can comment and ping on relevant channels, this is your added value :)
11:24 jackpot51 For example, here is a (fully tested) patch for Encrypted Home, something that I was actually present in the Ubuntu Desktop meeting discussing a desire for it:
Bug #1699216 “Encrypted home support” : Bugs : accountsservice package : Ubuntu
In the CreateUser D-bus call, allow the home directory of the new user to be encrypted.
11:24 didrocks (and #ubuntu-desktop is a good one for those kind of topics)
11:24 ubottu Launchpad bug 1699216 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu) "Encrypted home support" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
11:24 didrocks yeah, this has been discussed multiple times on #ubuntu-desktop
11:25 jackpot51 Now, all I am asking for is *to not have our distribution broken by upstream*
11:25 didrocks I don't really know more but seen it discussed (as I don't have expertise in accountservice)
11:25 didrocks jackpot51: working inside ubuntu would have helped prevented that, or at least communicating on IRC and asking for our plans
11:25 jackpot51 I WAS HERE
11:26 jackpot51 I was on #ubuntu-desktop and I talked with people about this patch
11:26 jackpot51 I was on the mailing list
11:26 jackpot51 I was on launchpad
11:26 jackpot51 I subscribed ubuntu-sponsors
11:26 jackpot51 I provided a debdiff
11:26 didrocks about the GNOME Shell one?
11:26 jackpot51 No, the encrypted home one
11:26 didrocks you are telling "all I am asking for is *to not have our distribution broken by upstream*"
11:26 didrocks I was answering on that one
11:26 jackpot51 This one is different, the implementation details, not the high level details, hit us by surprise
11:26 didrocks I don't know about the other one and the state of it
11:27 didrocks ok, anyway, we have a plan for the gdm theming, right?
11:27 jackpot51 Yes, I believe so
11:28 didrocks I guess it's going to work at least for 17.10
11:28 didrocks we'll then get the better solution, where I hope system76 will help GNOME upstream to get this done
11:28 didrocks and we'll revisit
11:29 jackpot51 That is good to hear. I will be communicating with GNOME upstream, opening a bug on their tracker and talking on their IRC, to do the right thing
11:29 didrocks good :)
11:29 jackpot51 Sorry about my mistakes on the patch earlier, and about the time-criticality of this patch
11:30 didrocks no worry, I can understand patch not being fully fledge, I accept less the tone though
11:30 didrocks (and we all live on deadlines :p)
11:30 didrocks really goes on week-end now
11:31 jackpot51 True that
11:31 jackpot51 Have a good weekend didrocks
11:31 didrocks thanks, you too! and let's catch up on Monday jackpot51 :)
11:31 jackpot51 Sure thing!