Comment 126 for bug 1690719

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In , Rihizs (rihizs) wrote :

It's definitely not fixed. I haven't seen any change in regards to this bug since GNOME Shell switched to using Wayland by default (don't know if maybe it was even worse before that). And I'm talking about the original issue - laggy mouse movements when interacting with some elements of GNOME Shell (like when opening the app grid, moving the mouse over opened elements, like calendar, weather, in the top-bar) and when opening context menus.

I don't experience any of the later issues being posted here - general performance problems in GNOME Shell (I haven't tried GNOME 3.28 yet though). It seems to me that the discussion regarding those issues would belong in a different bug.

And as I understand it, the reasons behind the mouse lag are well understood - they're due to the fact that

> Stalls on the main thread stalls compositor frame redraws

and this has been directly addressed in the GNOME Shell 4 proposal and people have talked bout it here in the previous comments.