Comment 18 for bug 612098

Revision history for this message
keepitsimpleengr (keepitsimpleengineer) wrote :

So I tried starting gnome-settings-daemon with:

I got a message that randr was not found.

So I commented out the randr false in serverflags in xorg.conf (#10 above), and tried to start gnome-settings-daemon again.

~# /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon

** (gnome-settings-daemon:2805): WARNING **: Failed to acquire org.gnome.SettingsDaemon

** (gnome-settings-daemon:2805): WARNING **: Could not acquire name


gnome-settings-daemon is not running and will not start. Manually attempting to start results in these errors:
failed to acquire org.gnome.SettingsDaemon
could not acquire name
This lead me to realize my /etc/hosts did not reference my domain name. I modified it like so:
::1 localhost localhost.toyon.corp localhost localhost.toyon.corp
gnome-settings-daemon still will not start with these errors:
failed to acquire org.gnome.SettingsDaemon
could not acquire name
Q1: Why can't gnome-settings-daemon "acquire org.gnome.SettingsDaemon"?
Q2: Why can't gnome-settings-daemon "acquire name"?
Thank you,
Re: Workspace Switcher: cannot add workspaces
by Kevin Obermanon 2010-06-30T18:40:41+00:00.

This is the sort of issue I was having on one of my systems before I
blew away ~/.gnome2, ~/.local, and ~/.config. (I would think ~/.gnome2
most likely for this one.)
Try getting out of Gnome, moving ~/.gnome2 to something like
~/ and start Gnome back up. Once I did that (and I did all
three directories as I was hitting a bunch of weirdness), things started
to behave normally, although I did have to re-create my custom menus and
reset a bunch of stuff.
I had probably upgraded gnome from 2.22 through all even version to the
present and I know a number of things have changed in the schema over
that time. I guess they finally caught up with me. :-(