Comment 22 for bug 374526

Revision history for this message
Linus Casassa (lcasassa) wrote :

I am on a macbook 4.1 with Ubuntu 10.04. And the Next, Previous and Play key buttons do not work. I use Rhythmbox.

This is the output of dbus-monitor --session:

signal sender=:1.3 -> dest=(null destination) serial=658 path=/org/gnome/SettingsDaemon/MediaKeys; interface=org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys; member=MediaPlayerKeyPressed
   string "Evince"
   string "Next"
signal sender=:1.3 -> dest=(null destination) serial=659 path=/org/gnome/SettingsDaemon/MediaKeys; interface=org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys; member=MediaPlayerKeyPressed
   string "Evince"
   string "Previous"
signal sender=:1.3 -> dest=(null destination) serial=660 path=/org/gnome/SettingsDaemon/MediaKeys; interface=org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys; member=MediaPlayerKeyPressed
   string "Evince"
   string "Play"