Comment 26 for bug 1971434

Revision history for this message
Christopher Franz (hydraulic) wrote :

So this doesn't go down any dead-ends...

I have encountered this on:
20.04, both XFCE4 and GNOME
22.04, XFCE4

Using X11

When installed as a DE on Ubuntu Server, XFCE4 brings in a ton of GNOME deps so that may be covering the same territory. Xubuntu spin behaves similarly. I did -not-, however, experience it on a Kubuntu spin (all of the above were on the same hardware). Curious if that means all roads lead to GNOME (lol sorry!)

I see a prevalence of Nvidia users whenever I research this issue but in my case it's an AMD card on an AMD board, so we can cross that off as a vector (using AMDGPU in the kernel, none of the proprietary Pro stuff).

Leaving out blanking entirely has no effect; neither does disabling the DE power management and replacing it with XScreensaver. `xset -q` reports enabled and working, `xset dpms` will enable and disable as expected.