Comment 24 for bug 1506704

Revision history for this message
WinEunuchs2Unix (ricklee518) wrote :

NB This is more than a Nautilus issue because like others the Unity bar is now clearer (before it was hard to read). Conky is now clearer. Google chrome is noticeably clearer and scrolling is smooth when it used to be choppy. The pixel breaks / line cracks when scrolling in Chrome have disappeared. Should this be reclassified as a critical bug with Linux Kernel / systemd as a whole and not just Nautilus? I had just upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 Kernel 4.4 then 4.6.3 when the Nautilus font became an issue and led me to this thread. But even under Ubuntu 14.04 / Kernel 3.13 there were problems which I'll try to recreate / eliminate with the USB plugged in / not plugged in during boot.

As far as "3) Bluetooth Earbuds" in post #23 we must eliminate that off the list because it's on a Y-Cable with the smartphone and only the smartphone gets data comm + power, whereas the Earbuds are power only.

Watson the game is afoot.