Comment 112 for bug 1246272

Revision history for this message
Vladymir (vladymir0) wrote :

actually, it doesn't switch layout (at least for me), but it ADDS A NEW LAYOUT instead!
let me explain this.
I do not use a "plain" en_us layout, but use us+dvorak and ru+dvorak (custom created).
so, when "us+dvorak" is active, it adds "us" to the end of the list.
when "ru+dvorak" is active, it adds "ru" to the end of the list.
when added, new layout becomes selected.
also, new added layout is not visible in gui settings, but everyone can see it by command 'setxkbmap -query'.

also, I made a workaround for this crap.
1. set 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.keyboard active false' to switch off defective plugin.
2. to switch layouts, I created keybindinds EMBEDDED into my layout (a new modifier key).
3. installed gxkb to have an indicator of selected layout in the system tray.

I restored the lost multimedia keys and other keybindings in compiz settings.