Comment 50 for bug 1244090

Revision history for this message
Evseev Evgeny (pelid80) wrote :

Bug still exists in 15.10. It is extremelly annoying.

Possible workaround:

* Install autokey, add to Startup applications. It handles shortcuts using X Window System instead of Gnome.
* Add custom scripts to autokey and set shortcuts for them

Keyboard First Layout:
       from subprocess import check_output
       check_output(['gsettings', 'set', 'org.gnome.desktop.input-sources', 'current', '0'])

Keyboard Second Layout:
      from subprocess import check_output
      check_output(['gsettings', 'set', 'org.gnome.desktop.input-sources', 'current', '1'])

Works well with XMind. Gedit search input still lose focus on layout switch.