Comment 0 for bug 931565

Revision history for this message
hakaishi (hakaishi) wrote :

I've looked into the source of gnome-session-bin and noticed that the methods Shutdown and RequestShutdown of the org.gnome.SessionManager interface both start the shutdown-dialog. In the file org.gnome.SessionManager.xml it is clearly stated that RequestShutdown (line 319-325) should not start a Dialog while Shutdown (line 251-257) should.

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, but this problem has been occuring since some time before 12.04. (I've noticed it because I'm the programmer of qshutdown)
The difference to the System(s) before 12.04 was that the shutdown-dialog was not called in both cases.

Just to mention another problem coming with this: When setting (lets say with the dconf-editor) at org->gnome->gnome-session (also org.gnome.SessionManager) logout-prompt to true, no dialogs are shown at all (with either Method) and clicking on Shutdown in the indicator menu also just shuts down instead of showing the option(s) to reboot etc.