Comment 8 for bug 85766

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Christoph Rauch (christoph-rauch) wrote : I can still confirm this bug.

I suspected this had something to do with the fact that beagle uses all my CPU if I refrain from mouse moving for too long. If I move my mouse beagle stops instantaneous. Somehow beagle must get notified of mouse movements. I suspected that control of the mouse is not given off to newly launched applications.

So I killed several processes until I got the culprit.

It's gnome-screensaver. If I kill it mouse works again in Warsow. If I start it again, mouse isn't working anymore. Pretty obvious I think. :)

In retrospect it's obvious that gnome-screensaver should stop beagle from beagling as it has to look for mouse movement anyway. So I'm pretty sure this is a bug. :)