Comment 0 for bug 1699670

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Andrew Frolikov (frol3000) wrote :

OS - Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS, DE - GNOME Shell 3.20.4, gnome-screensaver 3.6.1

 - say, you have 2 language layouts installed
 - their layouts/character tables are completely different, so there is no chance you can type your password correctly using any language keyboard layout (e.g. you have en/ru, but not en/de etc.)

Actual behavior:
When the screen is being locked while your active window has the language which is not your password language set, you won't be able to log in back. Log in form shows that the language of the password is set (EN in my case) but it always returns 'Incorrect password' message in response to correct password input. Switching language layout using keyboard shortcut or GUI doesn't help.
'Switch user' trick allows you to log in back though, but it's a crutch.