Comment 0 for bug 661759

Revision history for this message
Xetani (xetani) wrote :

Ubuntu 10.10 64bit.
Hardware: i3-350m, ati radeon hd 5470

Ubuntu battery indicator cannot estimate time to charge the battery when charging. Disconnecting the battery causes it to say the battery is charged despite it is not. Turning the computer on without the adapter plugged in results in the message that it is estimating time remaining.

 When turning the computer on with the adapter plugged in:

cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state
present: yes
capacity state: ok
charging state: charging
present rate: unknown
remaining capacity: 1790 mAh
present voltage: unknown

cat /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/ADP1/state
state: on-line

 After disconnecting the adapter:

cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state
present: yes
capacity state: ok
charging state: charged
present rate: unknown
remaining capacity: 1875 mAh
present voltage: unknown

cat /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/ADP1/state
state: off-line

 When turning the computer on without the adapter plugged in:

cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state
present: yes
capacity state: ok
charging state: discharging
present rate: unknown
remaining capacity: 1704 mAh
present voltage: unknown

cat /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/ADP1/state
state: off-line

 After plugging the adapter in:

cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state
present: yes
capacity state: ok
charging state: discharging
present rate: unknown
remaining capacity: 1576 mAh
present voltage: unknown

cat /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/ADP1/state
state: off-line

cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info gives following output

present: yes
design capacity: 4400 mAh
last full capacity: 4262 mAh
battery technology: non-rechargeable
design voltage: 10880 mV
design capacity warning: 512 mAh
design capacity low: 299 mAh
cycle count: 0
capacity granularity 1: 100 mAh
capacity granularity 2: 100 mAh
model number:
serial number:
battery type: LiOn
OEM info: HP

It seams that acpi doesn't return the present rate of charge/discharge so the system can't estimate remaining time to charge/discharge, and the adapter doesn't change its status until reboot when connected after discharging unless the computer was booted while it was already plugged in.