Comment 13 for bug 481576

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kdemarest (kdemarest) wrote :

I'm fairly certain that I've experienced this problem since Gutsy. I'm running Jaunty now and still have the problem. Incidentally, this bug should be considered critical. Apparently, draining a Li-on battery completely kills the battery (mine only has 9.8% of it's original capacity).

I've checked out the battery info, and I did find it interesting that battery info specifies low power and warning states based on the mAh remaining on the battery, not on a percentage.

I've been trying to read the source code from gnome-power-manager, specifically to see how the % battery is calculated (gpm-warning.c). I'm figuring it's getting the information from /proc/acpi/battery/BAT*/info and state, but I haven't been able to confirm this in the source. I'm thinking that the action should be done on the batteries low power spec (contained in /proc/acpi/battery/BAT*/info), not on the percentage currently calculated by gpm.

I have a Toshiba U305-S7448. I attached a file with my battery info.