Comment 142 for bug 767095

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Omer P. (omerp) wrote :

I appreciate your work, Sam.


But I think there's a separate lesson to be learned here: When such a major overhaul as was done to compiz is undertaken, making it impossible for users to use the previous version (as was the case here, where natty users *could not* go back to 0.8.6, until Guiodic made his wonderful PPA) is just bad practice.

There are numerous other problems with the current version of compiz, numerous other reasons to want to stay at 0.8.6 for now (for example, the newer version crashes every window decorator except the unity-window-decorator, such as emerald, etc.) -- this is not a knock on compiz or its developers, of course; no software is free of bugs, and early in the lifecycle of every new major overhaul, there will be its share of problems. Not only that, but I imagine some of the compatibility issues (e.g. emerald) are just as likely to be bugs in the interfacing modules, rather than bugs in compiz. But the fact that someone had to hack a solution to enable users to downgrade is just poor usability.
