Comment 1 for bug 217514

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Patrick Lozzi (captainmorgan) wrote : Re: [hardy] gnome-panel can't change orientation if "Expand" option isn't set

I experience this same problem on a daily basis... or whenever I restart my system. My panels are reversed from yours- I setup a non-expanding panel for the top of the screen which just like yours but inversed- upon system restart the panel gets incorrectly set to the bottom. To move the panel to the top of the screen where I want it, I have Right Click panel, Select Properties, Check Expand, set Orientation to the Top and then uncheck Expand.

This is also not a hardy-specific bug. I've noticed it since 7.04- it never really bothered me or I grew used to it- with the new release of 8.04 I expected it to be fixed.... obviously - it's not. :( With that said, I'm glad you submitted a bug report- I should have done so when 7.04 came out.

Hopefully this will get looked at it- it's becomes quite annoying over time.