Comment 0 for bug 17133

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Thomas M. Hinkle (thomas-hinkle) wrote :

In ubuntu warty, the applications/places menu was reasonably navegable from the
keyboard because it supported implied mnemonics (i.e. "I" opened "Internet"
submenu, "M" selected "Mozilla Firefox", etc.). This feature has disappeared in
GNOME 2.10/Ubuntu Hoary. Now the only navigation option is to use the arrow
keys, which are considerably more difficult to get at for a new user.
Truth be told, my ideal would be to have a way to enable emacs-style movement
(C-n/C-p) as well as to have mnemonics re-enabled.
For now, I'll settle for just getting the mnemonics back. This makes a big
difference for laptop use, where leaving the keyboard for the substandard
mouse-substitute (be it trackpad or trackball) is a substantial PITA.