Comment 14 for bug 145418

Revision history for this message
Eugenia Loli-Queru (eloli) wrote :

I discussed the issue over a romantic dinner with my husband last night (he is a Google Android engineer, but he has desktop experience as he was one of Be, Inc.'s BeOS engineers back in the day). ;-)

So, we came up with three possible solutions:
1. Involve the package manager in it and create new icon shortcuts only by using the canonical name of each link.
2. Special-case this specific case and so when someone is dragging from the desktop to the panel, always symlink against the actual file instead of the symlink.
3. Try to solve the root of my usability problem. You see, the reason I was dragging first to the desktop and then to the panel, was because when I was opening the gnome menus to drag an application shortcut out, the menus were hiding/overlapping the place I wanted to drag to. So I had no alternative but to first drag to the desktop and then back to the panel. You can fix this by not allowing the gnome menus render on top of the panel. However, while this will fix my specific usability case, it won't fix the case of someone having a Firefox shortcut on his desktop for a few months, and then suddenly decide to move all his shortcuts to the panel and delete the ones on his desktop (there are many users who change their habits regarding icons overtime, you see).